Sunday, February 23, 2014

Increasing Collaboration

Although Basketball in Europe is nowhere near as popular as Futbol, it doesn't mean the Euroleague should throw in the towel. The NBA and the Euroleague have made numerous steps to enhance their relationship and spread the sport of Basketball to more fans.

After a meeting in 2013, the NBA and Euroleague agreed to organize activities in the United Kingdom to increase awareness of the sport. Collaborating and organizing activities is one way to increase the awareness of Basketball in Europe, but in order to be successful like the NBA, the Euroleague has to learn from them, which is exactly what they have been doing.

Euroleague has openly stated their intentions to learn from the NBA with regards to rules and regulations. Euroleague showed this by presenting FIBA, the international basketball federation which defines the international rules of Basketball. With this, the NBA offered to help by supplying the Euroleague with some of their rules experts, with hopes to increase the attractiveness, excitement, and turn it into a more fast-paced game for the enjoyment of the fans and viewers.

The NBA and Euroleague have been collaborating since 2006, and have plans to continue this teamwork in the future to spread the sport of Basketball to more people internationally. Do you think their collaboration will lead to great success for Euroleague?


Photo Source:

Jeremy Martin


  1. Jeremy,
    I personally think that this collaboration may not help Euroleague as much as it may seem. From the NBA's point of view, I think they will be hesitant to reveal all of their steps toward success to Euroleague, because in the end, NBA doesn't want Euroleague to become a threat or competitor to their success- if American players began to move away from the US in order to find opportunity in Europe this would greatly hurt the NBA market. While Euroleague may desire insight from NBA, I think they need to be very careful and not necessarily listen to everything that the NBA tells them. I think Euroleague has a good thing going and that they should, right now, focus on the European market of players and use their location in Europe to their advantage. Instead of trying to mirror NBA, I think they should continue what they have and now that they have basic knowledge from the NBA, they should worry less about them and focus mainly on themselves and their success. Basketball is much different in Europe and I think Euroleague's way of doing things is a very respectable and traditional way of approaching the game of basketball and should not change.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mary,
      You make a very strong argument, I did not really think of it from your perspective. I do think that Euroleague has a good thing going for them now, but as Chris said in his comment below yours, the NBA is such a huge powerhouse, I don't think Euroleague would become a threat to the NBA, not anytime soon. I feel that they need to take some "lessons" or tips from the NBA if they want to experience more growth. It all depends on what Euroleague is trying to accomplish. If it's a "European way" of basketball, then maybe they should step back and try their own thing. But if they are attempting to grow within Europe the way the NBA has done so in the United States and beyond, then maybe they should take some notes from the NBA.

      -Jeremy Martin

  2. I think collaboration is a good thing for Euroleague. The NBA is king and it will never be touched by any competitor. The NBA has grown into a powerhouse and the Euroleague must look at the NBA for the model as what their basketball league should be like. I do not think that the NBA has much to gain from working with the Euroleague except maybe a little gained exposure in Europe. It is much more important for Eurpleague to work with the NBA than vice-a-versa

    -Chris O'Hanlon

  3. I think that the collaboration could be either a good or bad thing for the Euroleague. Since the NBA is much more powerful than Euroleague I believe it may almost overpower the Euroleague in the collaboration. It is also possible that too much of the NBA's influence could be a bad thing for the Euroleague because what may work for the NBA in the US might be detrimental to the Euroleague in Europe. However, I do think it is a positive thing in that there is so much potential for the Euroleague to learn and grow from this collaboration. The NBA has clearly had much success so hopefully they can help the Euroleague do the same.

  4. I think the collaboration is a good thing for the Euroleague. It may create more interest for American basketball supporters to look into the Euroleague if it is more similar to the NBA. I find it interesting that the Euroleague may change to be more like the NBA because after visiting the Euroleague, it seemed like with some aspects the Euroleague does not want to be like the NBA. If the Euroleague and NBA collaborate more it can maybe lead to both organizations holding some games with the NBA versus Euroleague teams. I think the Euroleague should look towards the NBA’s structure to gain more success in popularity for themselves in the future.

    -Theresa Neri

  5. I think the collaboration will definitely be beneficial for Euroleague. As Chris said, the NBA is king and will probably never be surpassed in terms of popularity. Therefore, from the Euroleague's perspective, it makes perfect sense to go to the NBA for guidance and advice because their methods have proven successful. Hopefully they will work just as well for the Euroleague.

    1. Adam,
      I agree with your stance. I believe that Euroleague should seek assistance and take notes on how the NBA has executed their infiltration into the US population and international population.The Euroleague will most likely never surpass the NBA in terms of popularity and power, which is why I think the NBA should help them out for the better of Basketball in Europe, and they could even gain some popularity in Europe themselves with this collaboration.

      -Jeremy Martin

  6. The Euroleague can use all the help they can get in regards to rules and helping them to create a more faced-paced game. I don't think that they will be able to ever compete with the NBA, and unfortunately Euroleague will continue to be viewed as a feeder league into the NBA. Any collaboration that the two leagues do will be beneficial to both the NBA and Euroleague so this is a good step to take for Euroleague. I also believe that during the off season NBA and Euroleague teams have played against each other which is another great way to globalize the sport. Euroleague's best chance would be to capture what is remaining of the Asian market before the NBA snatches all that up too.

    -Brad Williams

  7. The Euroleague can definitely learn a lot from the NBA and I feel that these collaborations can help the Euroleague improve their business strategies as well as promote their teams worldwide. I think it would be interesting to have the NBA host several tournaments and playoff games with the Euroleague, not only to encourage the Euroleague's growth, but to promote the Euroleague's business globally.
    -Sullivan Short

  8. I think this collaboration is going to be important because as Euroleague continues to grow in popularity, a close relationship with the NBA could prove to be an asset.
